Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Today is Halloween, and I can't help but think about last Halloween. Last Halloween we had our ultrasound that confirmed we were having a boy. From that day forward, we started planning for our Wyatt.
We knew right away that was going to be his name. I was so excited, I went out to buy just one blue outfit, and I came home with his bedding, a lamp, a mobile, a hamper, a mattress so I could put the bedding on right away, and a wall hanging. We also went to Lowes right after the ultrasound to buy paint. If you know me well, when I get an idea in my head, I like it done yesterday, so needless to say Joe was busy all weekend painting the nursery. I even went out and got letters that weekend as well to spell out his name above the crib. That day started five months of projects for Joe, the playroom, Wyatt's bathroom, putting all the stuff I received from my shower together. We got everthing done very early, but I had been waiting what seemed like forever for Wyatt, and I was too excited to wait. I tried to imagine what Wyatt was going to be like as I stared at my ultrasound pictures that day, but never in a million words could have dreamed how happy he would make me. I know some day, he will make me mad, dissappoint me, and be mad at me, but for now I'm just enjoying how happy I am every second of every day because of him. I thought last year was the best Halloween ever, but this beats it by leaps and bounds, because Wyatt is here this time to enjoy it with us. . On another note, he is starting to get his third tooth up top. He already has his two on the bottom. He is constantly saying ma ma, da da, ba ba, na na. A few times, it even sounded like he said daddy. I'm not going to count his first word until he means to actually say something. Is that what you other moms do also? I never know when to actaully put things down as firsts in his baby book. You have already seen pictures of him in his shark outfit, but here a few more. Here is also a picture of his Halloween outfit. Happy Halloween! Bye for now.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Not much new here

It's been about a week since I last posted, and I have had some requests for more videos. So, I took a one this morning of Wyatt trying to crawl. Hopefully soon I will be able to post one of him crawling. He has been getting up and rocking on his knees for the past few weeks, and he can go the span of the room backwards, but he just can't figure out how to crawl forwards. He has had a cold for about the past week. He has a runny nose and cough, but he seems to feel fine and he doesn't have a fever. We just stayed home and took it easy this weekend after we were on the go all of last weekend. We started aquababies on Thursday with Aimie and Sophie. Wyatt and Sophie are only four days apart, and they already seem to like to play together. Here is a picture of Wyatt and Sophie. Wyatt liked aquababies. He acted just like he does in the bathtub, splashing around. I did take him under a couple of times. The class was a little too sumbersion happy for my taste, so we just went under two to three times. He didn't mind it too much the first time, but he looked like he might cry after the second or third time so we didn't do it anymore. He has been very vocal for awhile now, but this weekend he actually started to sound a little more clear; we heard a lot of da da, ma ma, ba ba during his random outbursts this weekend. He seems to say ma ma when he's mad and da da and ba ba when he's happy. I don't know what's up with that. This should be a fun week for Wyatt; he has a couple playdates scheduled with some very pretty nine month old girls. Bye for now.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wyatt's Fun Filled Weekend

Wyatt had quite the busy weekend. He had alot of fun, and I wanted to share it with all of you. Friday night we went out to dinner with Katie, Ben and Blake at Stone Creek. We used to hang out with Katie and Ben all the time, but since our new additions we've been kind of busy. It's nice when we do get to hang out though with our little guys in tow. Wyatt and Blake are exactly three months apart, and I'm sure they will be best buddies. We even got compliments on how good our kids were. Blake slept a lot of the time, and Wyatt hung out in his high chair.

We went to the river on Saturday for Wyatt's Great Grandpa's birthday. He had so much fun and was such a happy boy all day. We spent most of the day outside, and Wyatt loves to be outside. It was a perfect fall day. We played croquet, sat by a fire, played on the swingset, and Wyatt got to play with his cousins.

Sunday we watched the Colts game at Heather and Ryan's. Even though the Colts lost, we still had a good time; good food and great friends! The pic is from last week's Colt's game, but it was too cute not to post.
After the game we had to stop by Joe's work so he could pick something up and Wyatt liked sitting at Daddy's desk.
Overall, it was a wonderful weekend filled with friends and family. I was just talking to another new mom today about how we couldn't even imagine life before our children. I loved the time Joe and I had before we had Wyatt, but our life is so complete and fulfilled now. It's so amazing how someone so little could hold such a big place in your heart. I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend as well. Bye for now.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our little shark

Today was Wyatt's first Halloween Party at the Shanks'. It was very fun, and all the kids were so cute. Scott and Tricia have a beautiful house. Wyatt dressed up as a shark. The kids only stayed in their outfits for about ten minutes but it was still fun seeing them all dressed up. We carved pumpkins as well. I loved our pumpkin but we forgot to bring it home with us. I was very sad and I tried to get Joe to turn back and get it. Wyatt had so much fun, but was very tired at the end of the night. We tried the pack n play in Scott and Tricia's room but that only lasted about 45 minutes. For those of you who know Wyatt, he is not the best sleeper when he's not at home. Anyways here are some pics of our little shark. Bye for now.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Here is a video of Wyatt in the bathtub. He really loves bathtime. He loves to play with all his toys, and he loves to splash. He would stay in the bath all night if you would let him. He sometimes cries when you take him out. He has started this new thing in the past couple of weeks where he scrunches up his nose and breathes in and out really fast. It's pretty funny. He does it when he is excited and also when he is mad. He has a big day tomorrow-his first Halloween party. He is going to dress up as a shark. I will post pics later. I probably won't usually post daily, but right now I'm trying to get the hang of things and figure out what all you can do on here. I learned how to post videos today that's why there are two posted from today. Bye for now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Beginning of blogging

A couple of my friends have blogs, and I have enjoyed reading theirs-so I thought-why not try it myself. I like writing and I love the computer-so this might actually work-we shall see. I really want a way to talk about my favorite little man and to let people know how he is doing. The title of my blog is Wished for Wyatt because I wished for Wyatt for what seemed like forever and he is more than I could have ever imagined. I love being his Mom. Wyatt went to his first Purdue game this weekend. He takes after his mommy, and enjoyed tailgating more than the game though. I love fall, and I love tailgating. This time though Joe and I thought we were forgetting something because we didn't have a cooler. We traded in the cooler for the diaper bag. Joe and I met at Purdue and we both enjoy Purdue football games. It was very fun to experience Wyatt's first Purdue game with him. He lasted about a quarter in the game and then we spent an hour or so walking around after that. He loves being outside. He is sitting up very well and starting to get up on his knees. He loves bathtime too. He is such a happy baby and we are having so much fun with him. He will be seven months old this Saturday and time has flown by. He weighs about 21 pounds now. He is still nursing, but he is also eating three babyfood meals a day. He loves to eat. His latest nicknames are stinkerbug, cuddle bunny, snuggle bug, goose, milk man, and Mr. Moo. Well, hopefully this is a start and I can try and keep up with this. Bye for now!