Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We Had a Very Hoppy Easter

We had a very fun Easter Weekend. We started out the dinner with Dani, Susan and Ryan at Houlihan's and then we met back up with them for an Easter Egg Hunt the next morning. Dani and Wyatt had fun even though it was pretty chilly outside. Neither of them liked the Easter Bunny though so Mommy and Daddy had to be in the picture with them.

Sunday we went to Lafayette to celbrate with everyone and have another Easter egg hunt and then finished off the day with dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Farber's house. Wyatt enjoyed the Easter Eggs(he even got to eat his first Peep), baskets(he got four of them) and the Egg hunts except he would get mad when you would try and get him to put the egg in the basket.

On another note, Mandy(Wyatt's babysitter) has had a new baby there for the past month or so. Wyatt used to be the youngest. Mandy said that he really started to notice her today. He kept calling her baby and trying to put her pacifier in or take off her socks. He is so darn cute. Mandy, like the rest of us, just loves him. She comments all the time how he is so laid back and such a lover. He is constantly coming up to you and giving hugs and kisses. I just can't seem to get enough of him. I am amazed at how much my love for him continues to grow(I didn't think it could grow anymore). I've said it before, but I love the age he is right now. I love watching him grow. We hope everyone had a blessed Easter. Here are some family pictures we took on Easter Sunday.

Bye for now. Oh, here is a pic of Wyatt getting ready to go to the Children's Museum. He looks like such a big boy getting ready for school. I'm defintely not ready for that.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dancing to the Hallmark Bunny

Here is a quick video of Wyatt dancing to the Hallmark Bunny that Grandma Candy got him. I couldn't get him to slow down long enough to really dance but you can get the picture. Whenever he pushes the button on the animals or hears the bunny or his Alligator Ally G that also sings a song he starts dancing. He said a couple more words this weekend...outside and sock. He loves to go outside and has been starting to pout/cry if it is too cold to go out. His newest thing is throwing or dropping something and then saying uh oh. He is just so darn cute and so much fun. Bye for now. Amanda

Friday, April 3, 2009

Farewell to My Baby and Winter...Hello to My Toddler and Spring

I've been so busy lately and I've been really bad about keeping up with my blog. Wyatt's first birthday was March 11th and then Joe's 30th birthday was the 26th and I planned parties for both, and Joe's was a needless to say...busy. Anways, the parties are over and I feel like I can relax a bit. We have been having so much fun enjoying the spring or at least the days it feels like spring. For Wyatt's birthday, he received several outside toys to keep him busy including a wagon, water table, swingset with sandbox, and a lawnmower. Joe and I got him the swingset because he used to like to swing, but lately he's obsessed with the slide...climbing up and sliding down. We've enjoyed playing with all of them. Here are some pictures to prove it.

I can't even explain how much my little man has grown up over the past few weeks...he is a full fledged toddler. I'm going to use this post to log his accomplishments so you all can see what he is up to and so that I can remember because I've been bad about record keeping lately as well. He is still crawling when he wants to get somewhere fast but he is starting to walk more than crawling now. He is signing more, milk, all done and eat. I pretty much gave up on the signing because he never seemed to get it and he could get the words out well enough but all the sudden he just started signing all of them. It's amazing how their little brains store information for future use. He is talking up a storm and repeats what we say. He says uh-oh, no, more, bath, book, bye, ma ma, da da, dog, daisy, Mandy, thank you, Amanda, papa and ball(I can't forget ball-that is his favorite word). He sings ee i ee i oh and la la la(the Elmo song). He puts his hands up for so big and touchdown and he gives five. He knows his ears, teeth and bellybutton and can usally point to someone else's nose. We are working on other body parts. He weighs 25 pounds and is 31 inches and is in the 75th percentile for both and is climbing all over the place. He loves to climb in things and climb on things.

He has going up the stairs mastered and we are working on doing down.
I miss my little baby but I love having a toddler. He is so much fun, and I cherish each and every minute I get to spend with him. I try to remember when I'm rocking him to sleep and he's crying or when he's following me around saying ma ma and just wanting to be held that one day I'm not going to be able to rock him or one day he's not going to want me to hold him. He had a really fun month. He enjoyed many days outside and got to play with good friends. Here are a few diaper shots of Wyatt, Sophie and Blake before we got their jammies on them. And here are a few of him and Dani at the park. If you look closely you can see they have cell phones. Wyatt loves cell phones. He has his own but he always wants Mommy's. You would think I should learn my lesson after he threw my cell phone in the toilet but I still let him play with it. He loves to put the phone up to his ear and say hi/hello. He is obsessed with pushing the buttons on our answering machine as well. Any button, light switch, cord, you name it...I wonder when that ends. I had to duct tape the toilet closed today while I took a shower cause that kid is into everything. This has been a random post....sorry. Bye for now.