Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Video I Promised

As I said in my last post, Wyatt took his first steps February 15th at 11 months, 4 days. He waited till last Friday to take a few more and then today why he was at Grandma's took several more. Here is a video of him walking from Joe to me. He is still only taking a few here and there, but he definitley seems to be getting more confident. Here are a few pictures of Wyatt during the past week.

He loves the car that Grandma got him for Valentine's Day. He says vroom vroom when he rides around in it and he beeps the horn. He was playing in the clothes hamper today being silly. We are going to Florida for a long weekend this weekend. I will post pics when we get back. Bye for now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We Will Miss Grandma Leota

Joe's Grandma and Wyatt's Great Grandma passed away on Valentine's Day. She was a wonderul woman and we will miss her dearly. She loved her family very much and enjoyed spending time with her great grandchildren. We will have to tell Wyatt how much she loved him when he gets older. We spent the day in Lafayette today at Joe's Grandparent's house and it was very sad and strange to not have Leota there. It was nice to spend time with family though and to be there for Grandpa John. While we were there, Wyatt took his first unassisted steps. He took about 4 steps 4 different times. I still think it will be a little while until he is walking around though, but he is getting closer. He has been walking assisted for a couple of months, and definitely likes the security, so it was nice to see him take a few steps on his own. There were several family members there including Grandpa John, and they all got to witness Wyatt's first steps. He brought a smile to our faces on a sad day. I will try and get a video to upload of him taking steps. Here are a few pictures of Wyatt with his Great Grandma Leota. Bye for now.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Whistling Wyatt

I bought Wyatt a whistle in the store today. Grandma and Grandpa Farber were over visiting and Grandpa taught Wyatt how to blow the whistle. He was so proud of himself. We are hoping he can use his new whistle to help us keep Hunter and Daisy in line. Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day. Bye for now.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wyatt laughing

I have been bad about taking pictures lately. We did capture a quick video of Wyatt laughing today though. It was like Spring today, and I definitely have spring fever. We got Wyatt a swingset for his first birthday and I can't wait till next month to push him on the swing. We went for a walk for the first time since fall and he loved it. He was pointing to all the dogs we passed and a basketball that we passed in a yard. He says ball all the time and loves, loves, loves balls. In fact, I'm planning a ball theme birthday party for his first birthday. I was going to do a little cowboy theme because I had some cute ideas, but I figured if Wyatt could pick, he would pick balls. He is pointing all the time. Joe and I noticed today that he has his pointer finger ready all the time in case he wants to point to something. It's pretty funny. You can ask him where things are like someone's nose and he points to it. You can also tell him to go get something like a ball and he gets it. He is still not walking on his own yet. He will stand for a few seconds here and there and he walks holding on to one finger but he hasn't realized he can do it on his own yet. He continues to bless our lives daily and is more fun with each new day. He was a little stinker today though. He will not nap for me. I felt like I had a newborn at home today. I had to lay down with him for his morning nap and he napped on me for his afternoon nap. I cleared out the bathroom and let him play on the floor while I took a shower and he stood at the shower and called for ma ma the whole time. He said ma ma all day today. I loved it, but at the same time I would not have been opposed to him taking a couple of naps by himself. He is obsessed with Hunter and Daisy. Actually every dog and most animals are all day days. (He only says Daisy about 1 in 5 times, the rest of the time it's day day). It did sound like he said Hunter the other day though. He gets so excited when he hears the door open when Joe gets home. He starts saying da da or daddy before he even sees him. He has this truck that he walks behind and he says vroom vroom when he's behind it. Joe says vroom vroom when he pushes him on it. It's amazing the little things kids pick up on at such a young age. He has been grabbing the remote and pointing it to the tv. He gets very excited when he changes the channel. He also knows to put the phone up to his ear and say hi/hello even though it doesn't always sound like hi. I joke that he sees Mommy talking on the phone and Daddy watching tv.In one month my little boy will be turning one. How did this year go by so fast? I have mixed emotions about it. I get sad when I think about him growing up, but I love the little person he is becoming. Bye for now.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow Much Fun

We got quite a bit of snow last week, around 12.5 inches. We dressed Wyatt up again to venture outside. Here are a few pics.

It snowed so much that Joe and I both stayed home from work. Wyatt and I played all day, while Joe worked from home. Wyatt is growing up so much, and getting more fun with each new day. He loves to brush his teeth. Each morning he crawls into his bathroom and gets up on his tippy toes trying to get to his tooth brush. He has always been fascinated by the toothbrush. He is on the verge of walking. He would probaby walk now, if he was a little more brave. He is cruising all over the place. He continues to love his push toys, but spends many minutes walking in circles around different tables as well. He loves to play peek a boo and he likes for you to chase him. He loves balls and has so much fun with the busy ball popper. He gets so excited when he pushes it and the balls start popping out. He says ma ma, da da, more, bath, no no, ball, Dog, and Daisy. Nothing but the first few syllables come out very clearly, but we know what he means :) He is pointing a lot, and when he gets real excited he will point with two hands. He doesn't always know point to the right things though. The other day Joe asked him where the dogs were and he pointed to me; little stinker. He has 8 teeth now, four on top and four on bottom. He got to play with his buddy Blake again.
They don't know it yet but they are going to be best buddies when they get a little older. He had another playdate with Dani today. He had a lot of fun and loved having lunch over there. If you know Wyatt well, the key to his heart is through his stomach. He's a growing boy! Bye for now.