It's been about a week since I last posted, and I have had some requests for more videos. So, I took a one this morning of Wyatt trying to crawl. Hopefully soon I will be able to post one of him crawling. He has been getting up and rocking on his knees for the past few weeks, and he can go the span of the room backwards, but he just can't figure out how to crawl forwards. He has had a cold for about the past week. He has a runny nose and cough, but he seems to feel fine and he doesn't have a fever. We just stayed home and took it easy this weekend after we were on the go all of last weekend. We started aquababies on Thursday with Aimie and Sophie. Wyatt and Sophie are only four days apart, and they already seem to like to play together. Here is a picture of Wyatt and Sophie. Wyatt liked aquababies. He acted just like he does in the bathtub, splashing around. I did take him under a couple of times. The class was a little too sumbersion happy for my taste, so we just went under two to three times. He didn't mind it too much the first time, but he looked like he might cry after the second or third time so we didn't do it anymore. He has been very vocal for awhile now, but this weekend he actually started to sound a little more clear; we heard a lot of da da, ma ma, ba ba during his random outbursts this weekend. He seems to say ma ma when he's mad and da da and ba ba when he's happy. I don't know what's up with that. This should be a fun week for Wyatt; he has a couple playdates scheduled with some very pretty nine month old girls. Bye for now.
I'm BACK!!!
12 years ago
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