Today is Halloween, and I can't help but think about last Halloween. Last Halloween we had our ultrasound that confirmed we were having a boy. From that day forward, we started planning for our Wyatt.
We knew right away that was going to be his name. I was so excited, I went out to buy just one blue outfit, and I came home with his bedding, a lamp, a mobile, a hamper, a mattress so I could put the bedding on right away, and a wall hanging. We also went to Lowes right after the ultrasound to buy paint. If you know me well, when I get an idea in my head, I like it done yesterday, so needless to say Joe was busy all weekend painting the nursery. I even went out and got letters that weekend as well to spell out his name above the crib. That day started five months of projects for Joe, the playroom, Wyatt's bathroom, putting all the stuff I received from my shower together. We got everthing done very early, but I had been waiting what seemed like forever for Wyatt, and I was too excited to wait. I tried to imagine what Wyatt was going to be like as I stared at my ultrasound pictures that day, but never in a million words could have dreamed how happy he would make me. I know some day, he will make me mad, dissappoint me, and be mad at me, but for now I'm just enjoying how happy I am every second of every day because of him. I thought last year was the best Halloween ever, but this beats it by leaps and bounds, because Wyatt is here this time to enjoy it with us. .
On another note, he is starting to get his third tooth up top. He already has his two on the bottom. He is constantly saying ma ma, da da, ba ba, na na. A few times, it even sounded like he said daddy. I'm not going to count his first word until he means to actually say something. Is that what you other moms do also? I never know when to actaully put things down as firsts in his baby book. You have already seen pictures of him in his shark outfit, but here a few more. Here is also a picture of his Halloween outfit. Happy Halloween! Bye for now.