I am 13 weeks pregnant and due December 1st. We are so exited, and cannot wait for Wyatt to be a big brother. He is very excited. He varies on what he thinks it is, but he usually says baby sister. We will have our ultraound on July 7th. We have been calling the baby Max and Wyatt thinks it's so funny. He laughs when you say Wyatt and Max Kuckartz. We cannot wait to find out what we are having, and will be so happy either way. I would love to have a daugter but another little Wyatt running around would be perfect too. We are just hoping and praying for a healthy baby! Wyatt is just perfect and so much fun these days. He is potty trained which I love. We still put him in a diaper or pull up at night, but it will be so nice to go six months or more without buying diapers. He is loving the warm weather and never wants to come inside or quit playing in the water. Well we wanted to share our exciting news with you. Bye for now.