We have continued to be very busy this summer. This post is going to be another quick update and some pics of the last few weeks. We have had lots of playdates in the past few weeks. We've been to the zoo a few times, the State Fair three times, and Wyatt got his first and second hair cut. I really loved Wyatt's longer hair and I didn't want to cut it, but it was starting to look kind of shaggy at times, so I thought I would get a trim but keep the length. It ended up sticking out like wings on the sides, so we decided to go for the traditional boy short cut. He looks very cute and so much older. I'm sad when I look at pictures of his long hair, but I think he looks adorable now as well. Have I said he's adorable and so much fun? Some of his newest things are putting two words together. He says school bus or pool bus. He is obsessed with school busses. He says big truck or big bear. He loves reading books. He has a few that he wants to read everynight including Goodnight Moon, Elmo Says, Moo Baa La La La and the dog book. He can recite almost all of Moo La La as he calls it. He will tell you which one he wants to read next. He will say moon or moo la la or elmo. And, believe or not, every now and then, he will count to ten. You have to help him out with a number like seven usually. He must have a good memory. I keep trying to get it on video but of course, every time I pull out the camera, he won't do it. He has been saying Hunter now too for the past month or so, and it is absolutely adorable. He loves his dogs so much. The first thing he says in the morning usually is Daisy in a high pitch squeak. Enjoy the pics. We are looking forward to a fun filled weekend at the River this weekend with our good friends...so watch out for that post later. Hopefully it won't take me almost a month this time. Bye for now!