Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wyatt's First Birthday Party

Wyatt's First Birthday Party was this past Saturday. As I think about it being over, I have mixed emotions. I planned for this party for a couple of months and now it is over. It went very well, and I think everyone had a good time. It was fun, and even though Wyatt won't remember it, I have many pictures for him to look at when he's older. The Birthday Boy held up very well even though he only had a short nap that day. He liked his cake and enjoyed playing with all his friends and his presents. I feel so blessed that so many people care for my Wy Wy as evidence by all the guests present at the party. Here are some pictures from the fun filled day. We had a ball party. Wyatt loves all different kinds of balls. See pictures below...he likes to throw them, point them out and chew on them. We had a ball pit there that was a hit with the kiddos and lots of balls everywhere. I also included some of his one year pictures. I hope the next few years slow down a little. I don't want my baby to grow up too fast. Enjoy the pictures. Bye for now.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday My Baby Boy

Today is Wyatt's First Birthday. As I think back over the last year, I'm excited Wyatt is turing one but sad at the same time that my baby is getting older. This past year has been without a doubt the best year of my life. I wanted Wyatt so badly and never could have imagined the happiness I feel being his mother. I honestly feel like everyday over the past year has been my birthday because I have been given the most wonderful present imaginable; a healthy son. He is growing into quite the toddler. He is obsessed with climibing the dishwasher, emptying everything out of the cabinets and climbing the stairs. He still loves balls and has developed a love for balloons as well. He is pretty much walking but I'm not ready to call it yet because he would still rather crawl(he gets around faster that way). He is consistently walking between people and he is letting go of toys and of our hands to walk to something else. Here is a video we took of him tonight. He is done with the bottle and is drinking whole milk from a cup. I've been working on a slideshow of pictures of him over the past year to play at his birthday party. As I look through the pictures I miss the little baby he once was, but am so excited to see the little boy he is becoming. Here are a few pictures from today. Katie and his buddy Blake came to visit and then we had dinner and cake at our house with Grandma and Grandpa Farber, Uncle Jeff and Heather(his Godmother). He enjoyed his cake and he enjoyed opening up his presents. His birthday party is Saturday and I will post more pictures then. Bye for now.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our Florida Trip

We went to Florida for a long weekend this past weekend and had a very good time. Joe, Wyatt and I drove down with my parents on Thursday night and arrived on Friday morning. Wyatt did great in the car and slept almost the whole time. We visited the Homosassa Wildlife Center with Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Jeff where we saw manatee, alligators, a hippo, wolves, birds, foxes, and many other animals.

Every animal there including the alligators and hippo was Day Day or Daisy. I'm still not sure if Day Day is dog or Daisy because he does actually say Daisy every now and then. Wyatt loved the hippo. We went out on a pontoon boat on Saturday and spent the day on the Homosassa River and even boated to the Gulf where Wyatt got to see the Gulf of Mexico for the first time.

We saw several manatee, and I even swam with one of them. If you look closely, you can see their shadow in the water.

We went to a very nice dinner with Granddaddy and Great Uncle Jim.
We ended the trip with a cold visit to a very windy beach.

It was a short trip, but nice to spend time with family. Wyatt is continuing to take several steps a day but has not taken off on his own yet. He loves to show how big he is when you ask How big is Wyatt and he loves to play patty cake. His first birthday is in one week, I still can't believe it. We started whole milk this weekend because he will not drink formula or a bottle when he is around me, and he seems to like milk better. We are down to mostly just nursing in the morning and planning to wean completely very soon. We had fun but are glad to be back home. We missed our Hunter and Daisy. Bye for now.