My little stinkerbug finally figured out how to creep forward. It was beginning to seem like he was never going to, but last Tuesday when Mom was watching him he took off after cheerios. I don't know why I never thought of that. As much as Wyatt loves to eat, getting him to go after food was a great idea!
He is much happier now that he can get where he wants to go. It was frustrating when he was going backwards, he always got farther away from what he was after. He went after Hunter's bone a couple of times. I'm sure there is much more of that to come. He is still happiest on his feet. He always wants to stand, and has been that way since about three months old. When he figures out the whole walking thing, I know he will be ecstatic. He is saying ma ma a lot now too, which I love. He also has five teeth now. His third tooth on the bottom popped through, and he's working on a fourth on the bottom as well. He had a wonderful Thanksgiving. He loves to feed himself these days, and is much more into that than babyfood.

On Thanksgiving he had some turkey, noodles, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and a couple bites of Pumpkin Pie.

He had so much fun playing with the other kids. He was having so much fun, we couldn't get him to bed. On Friday we headed up to Lafayette for more family time. He had a very fun weekend. FYI-this is my second post today so don't miss the other one. Bye for now.