My brother was disappointed that I haven't been keeping up my blog so this post is for Uncle Jeff. We have been busy getting ready for Ellyanna and can't wait for her to get here. We decided on the name shortly after we found out we were having a girl. Elly was always a name that we liked. Some of the other names I liked were Chloe and Grace. She is named after myself and the two most important women in my life; my mom and Meemaw. My Mom's middle name is Ellen, and mine and my Meemaw's is Anne so it is a combination of the two. She will be called Elly as well too. Ellyanna is a version of Eliana which means the lord has responded. We feel that the lord responded by helping us get pregnant again. And her middle name is going to be Grace because I love the name and I feel that it was by the grace of God that I am pregnant again and with a little girl, not that I wouldn't have been just as excited if it was a boy. It's just that with all the fertility problems that we had with Wyatt and now with Elly, and the shots I have to take to stay pregnant, I don't think we will have any more kids. Now we have our little boy and will soon have our little girl and I couldn't be happier, unless God has other plans for us. After we decided on her name, we had a huge dilemma on how to spell it. Or should I say, I had the dilemma. I don't think Joe cared one way or the other. When I originally thought of Elly it was going to be Ellie. Joe liked Elianna a lot, but I worried that her name would get misprounouced more often that way. It is pronounced like Anne-ah, not Aun-ah. We decided to spell it Ellyanna because of the y also being in Wyatt's name. Wyatt is getting very excited. He asks often how I'm going to get the baby out of my belly. He also asks when she is coming. He understands way more than I ever thought he would. Her room is all done, and I love it. Wyatt likes to play in it as well and climb in her crib. A few days after we brought her antique white dresser home, Wyatt called us in to her room to show us what he had done. He had drawn all over one of the dresser drawers and was so proud. Luckily it was with pencil and came off easily. Now every pen in the house is hidden. Here are some pics of her nursery.

We had a 4d ultrasound at 26 weeks. Here are a few pics. They aren't the best quality. I forgot to scan them before I put them in her scrapbook so I had to take pics of them with my cell phone.

We also got maternity pics taken. Here are a few of those.

I am now a little over 30 weeks pregnant. I was measuring at 29 weeks a day short of 30 weeks. All of the ultrasounds have been normal. We are just hoping and praying for a healthy baby girl in 8 to 10 weeks. I feel good lately, but this pregnancy has definitely been harder on me than with Wyatt. Wyatt is doing great and growing up so much. His favorite thing to do is ride his tricycle or scooter outside. He is such a smart, loving little boy, and I couldn't be happier. He has an imaginary daughter named Paris. He talks about her all the time. He pretends that he's going to house or that she is calling him on the phone. It is very cute, and I have no idea where he came up with the name Paris. Oh, and we are now the proud owners of a mini van. We knew we were definitely going to get a larger vehicle. We originally thought an SUV with third row seating, but when we test drove the van at Dad's work, we quickly realized how nice and convenient it is with kids. We decided to get it and are very happy with it so far. Wyatt loves the DVD player and has been spoiled lately because it has the backseat Sirius TV so I have let him watch Mickey or cartoons in the morning. We traded in Joe's truck and Joe is driving the Jeep for probably another year or so. Hope you enjoyed the update. Enjoy the pics. Bye for now.